Wednesday 11 September 2013

Pierre Tendean, Indonesian national hero

Pierre Tendean

Pierre Tendean
Pierre Andreas Tendean was a victim of the 30th September Movement (G30S) and is an Indonesian national hero.
Tendean was the only son of A.L. Tendean from Minahasa and Indo mother Cornet M.E. of Dutch and French descent. He had an older sister, Mitze Farre, and younger sister, Rooswidiati. Tendean’s father was a doctor and held posts in hospitals in Jakarta, Tasikmalaya, Cisarua, Magelang, and Semarang. Tendean attended elementary school in Magelang and middle school and high school in Semarang. His desire after completing grade school was to attend the National Military Academy (Indonesian: Akademi Militer Nasional). However, his parents wanted him to become a doctor like his father or an engineer. The compromise was for Pierre to attend the Army’s engineering academy (Indonesian: Akademi Teknik Angkatan Darat (ATEKAD)), which he started in 1958.
Pierre TendeanTendean received battlefield experience while in the academy when he was sent to West Sumatra with his fellow cadets to participate in a military operation named "Sapta Marga". At that time Tendean was a Corporal and was assigned to the Army’s Corps of Engineers. In 1962, Tendean graduated from ATEKAD and was given the rank Second Lieutenant (Indonesian: Letnan Dua (Letda) Czi). His 1st assignment was as Platoon Commander in the 2nd Battalion of the Corps of Engineers in the 2nd Regional Military Command (Indonesian: Komandan Peleton Batalyon Zeni Tempur 2 Komando Daerah Militer II (Danton Yon Zipur 2 / Dam II) ) in Medan.
The following year, Tendean received intelligence training in Bogor and was subsequently assigned to the Army Central Intelligence Service ). He was sent to the front lines during the confrontation with Malaysia known as "Dwikora", where he led a group of volunteers in several infiltrations into Malaysia performing intelligence gathering. On April 15, 1965, Tendean was promoted to First Lieutenant (Indonesian: Letnan Satu (Lettu)) and was assigned as a personal aide to General Abdul Haris Nasution.
In the early morning hours of October 1, 1965, troops loyal to the G30S came to Nasution’s house with the intent to kidnap him. Shots were fired that awakened Tendean who was staying at the general’s housing complex. He was apprehended by the troops and was mistaken for Nasution, as the dark house, as well as Nasution's escape during this particular night, prevented them from finding the true Nasution. Tendean was brought to Lubang Buaya along with six high-ranking officers of the army. He was shot to death, and his body thrown into an old well with the other deceased captives.
Pierre Andreas Tendean was named a national hero for his dedication and sacrifice to the nation on October 5, 1965 by President Sukarno. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Captain (Indonesian: Kapten Czi Anumerta) and buried in the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery (Indonesian: Taman Makam Pahlawan Kalibata). He was only 26 years old.

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