Tuesday 17 September 2013



Pematangsiantar is an independent city in North Sumatera, Indonesia, surrounded by, but not part of, the Simalungun Regency. Pematangsiantar formerly had the status of a 2nd level district (daerah tingkat dua) and has been elevated to Kota - its population was 219,319 in 1990 Census, 242,756 in 2000 Census, and 229,525 in the 2005 Intercensal count. making it the 2nd largest city in the province after the provincial capital Medan.
PematangsiantarBefore 1907, Pematangsiantar was a Kingdom led by the Damanik. Damanik is one of the clans of the Simalungun ethnic group of the Batak people. The last king of the dynasty was Tuan Sangnawaluh Damanik who eventually embraced Islam. In 1907, the Dutch took control, turning Pematangsiantar into their colony. The city remained under Dutch control until 1942 when the Japanese invaded and ruled over Indonesia.
PematangsiantarAfter Indonesia proclaimed its freedom in 1945, Pematangsiantar was granted the autonomous status. In 1974, Pematangsiantar became a 2nd level district, and was appointed as the capital of Simalungun Regency.
Pematangsiantar's native inhabitants are the Simalungun Batak people. Nowadays, Chinese and ethnic Malays also inhabit some parts of the city, especially around the downtown area. The most developed part of the town is along the streets named Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Sutomo.
Pematangsiantar has plantations of palm trees, tea, and rubber. Palm tree fruit is usually exported or made into palm oil.
Pematangsiantar is an hour away or 50 kilometers from Lake Toba on the Trans-Sumatran Highway. Lake Toba is one of the largest volcanic calderas in the world, and a major tourism destination. It is common to see some tourists stopping over in Pt. Siantar. Siantar is famous for Batak culture, 'Batik' and 'Ulos' fabric, and Batak foods. There is a zoo worth visiting that is aptly named Taman Hewan Pematangsiantar - animal garden of Pematangsiantar. It has a good collection of Indonesian native animals, most notably birds, tigers and apes. The zoo itself boasts abundant tropical trees and plants, some of which are quite old. The location is surprisingly close to the main roads of the city (within walking distance). Ticket price (April 2009) is 7,000 IDR. Another place of interest in the city is Vihara Avalokitesvara - a Buddhist Temple, which houses the Statue of Kwan Im. At 22.8 meter high, is the tallest statue of its kind in Indonesia. The temple complex is accessible from Jl. Pane. It is part of the new temple complex. Connected by a bridge, adjacent to the new complex across the river of Bah Bolon, the old building of the temple was burned completely in an inferno in May, 2008.
Pematangsiantar can also be reached from Medan by train. Other than that, there are large buses which reach Siantar from Medan. Or by road for 3 hours. The distance from Medan to Pematangsiantar is 130 kilometers.
Most of Pematangsiantar's food styles are inherited from Batak and Chinese traditional food. Foods such as saksang, roasted pork, and tuak (an alcoholic beverage made from sugar palm and sometimes from coconut) from the Batak people are very popular.
Chinese food restaurants can also be found across the city. One of the very popular local delicacies inherited from Chinese food is "Mie Pangsit".
Some food from West Sumatera is also quite popular, especially nasi padang, and sate padang (spicy satay, usually eaten with rice-cake).

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