Tuesday 17 September 2013

Agam Regency

Agam Regency

Agam Regency
This regency was founded to include a collection of several villages that existed in the region LUHAK Agam, during the reign of the Dutch East Indies. Bukittinggi was named as the regency capital at that time. Based on Government Regulation No. 8 of 1998, on January 7, 1998, the Agam capital was officially moved to Lubuk Basung.
Agam Regency Located in the mountainous region which is formed from 2 lanes Basin, Batang Agam in the north and Batang Sri Antokan in the south.
West area is flat to gently sloping, reaching 71,956 ha, while the central and eastern regions which are wavy and hilly to very steep slopes (> 45%) with a total area of 129,352 ha. Regions with a very steep slope (> 45%) are at the Bukit Barisan range with the summit of Mount Merapi with a height of 2,891 meters, and Mount Singgalang with a height of 2,877 meters, in the south and southeast of Agam.
Also, in this region
crater lake which has an area of
there is Lake Maninjau, a
9,950 ha.
Agam RegencyThere is Sianok Canyon, a steep valley located in the border of Bukittinggi and IV Koto subdistrict. The valley is long and winding as the southern border town of Koto Gadang canyon to the village Sianok Anam Tribe, and ended in the subdistrict Palupuh. Sianok canyon has very beautiful scenery and also became one of the mainstay of the provincial tourist attraction.
They share land border with Pasaman and West Pasaman to the north, Padang Pariaman and Tanah Datar to the south, Lima Puluh Kota to the east. While they have sea border with Indian Ocean to the west.
Each subdistrict
There are 82 villages.
divided into several villages.
Ethnic group is
and other ethnic is Java and
dominated by Minangkabau people,
Economic growth is dominated by agricultural sector, accounted for 40.40% of GDP, followed by trade, hotels and restaurants by 15.30%, service sector 13.25%, and manufacturing industry 11.71%. Income per capita in 2008 is about Rp 12,000,000 or 1,333 USD.
Central Region, Lake Maninjau is dominant tourist destination in this region. Attraction is paragliding, off road, racing river craft and others. There is nature tourism, in lake and mountain. Also cultural and history tourism such as Buya Hamka birth house.
Eastern region, focus
fruits and cocoa plantation.
on agrotourism such as

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