In 1915, even after the age of seven, he entered into a village school and studied general science such as numeracy and literacy at the school. At those times, as recognized by Hamka, a beautiful-beautiful era in himself. Morning he rushed off to school in order to play before school, then after school and play, bercari the search for, play pole vault, romp, and romp, like the other kids play. Two years later, while still learning every morning at the Village School, he also studied in Diniyah School every afternoon. But since put Thawalib by his father in 1918, he could no longer attend classes at the Village School. He quit after two graduating classes. After that, he studied at the School Diniyah every morning, while the afternoon and evening studying in Thawalib back to the surau. Thus small Hamka activities every day, something which, as he admitted-not fun and curb freedom of childhood.
While studying in Thawalib, he isn't including smart kids, he often didn't even attend a few days because they feel bored and chose to seek knowledge in his own way. She liked to be in a library's public teacher, Zainuddin Labay El Yunusy rather than mess around with the lessons that must be memorized in class. From the library, he was free to read a variety of books, even some he borrowed to take home. However, because of the book he had borrowed it has nothing to do with the lesson, he was scolded by her father when caught was busy reading Kaba Cindua Mato. His father said, "Are you going to be a pious person later, or become a storyteller?"
Hamka has ventured into a number of places in Minangkabau since he was a teenager, he was nicknamed by his father as "Si Bujang Away". At the age of 15-year-old, after experiencing an event that shook his soul, the divorce of his parents, Hamka decided to go to the island of Java after learning that Islam in Java is more advanced than the Minangkabau, especially in terms of movement and organization. But when he was in Bengkulu, Hamka of had smallpox, so that after about two months of being on top of the bed, he decided to return to Padang Panjang. Even so his intention to go to the island of Java isn't unstoppable. In 1924, a year after recovering from smallpox, he returned to the island of Java.
Arriving on the island of Java, Hamka contrary to Yogyakarta and settled in the house of his father's younger brother, Amrullah Ja'far. Through his uncle, he had the opportunity to follow the discussions and trainings organized by Islamic movements Muhammadiyah and SI. In addition of studying the Islamic movement, he also expanded his views on issues such as disruption to the progress of Islam, Christianity and communism. While in Java, he was active in various social and religious activities. On many occasions, he studied the Bagoes Hadikoesoemo, HOS Tjokroaminoto, Abdul Rozak Fachruddin, and Suryopranoto. Before returning to the Minangkabau, he had wandered into London and met with leaders Masjumi like Ahmad Hassan and Mohammad Natsir, which gave him the opportunity to learn to write in the magazine Defenders Islam. Subsequently in 1925, he went to the Pekalongan, East Java to meet Sutan Mansur Ahmad Rashid-who was then the Chairman of Muhammadiyah branch-and learning Pekalongan him. While in Pekalongan, he stayed at his brother's house and started giving religious talk in some places.
In the 1st colony to Java, he claimed to have a new spirit in studying Islam. He also saw no difference between Islamic reform mission in the Minangkabau and Javanese, Minangkabau if aimed at the purification of Islam who is considered one of the practices, such as congregation, imitation, and khirafat, then in Java is more oriented to the effort to combat backwardness, ignorance, and poverty.
After a year in Java, in July 1925 Hamka was back in Padang Panjang. In Padang Panjang, he wrote his 1st magazine titled Chatibul Ummah, which contains a collection of speeches that listens on Surau Iron Bridge, and Magazine Tabligh Muhammadiyah. On the sidelines of his activity in the field of da'wah through writing, he took speech in several places in Padang Panjang. But at that moment, everything is precisely sharply criticized by his father, "Speeches alone is useless, formerly with the content knowledge, then there is the meaning and the benefits of speech-speech that." On the other hand, he didn't get a good reception from the public. He was often derided as "not qualified handyman speech", even he had received criticism from some scholars because when he has not mastered Arabic well. Criticism he received in his native land, he made a whip to equip themselves more mature.
In February 1927, he took the decision to go to Mecca to deepen science kegamaannya, including to learn the Arabic language and the 1st Hajj pilgrimage. He left without saying goodbye to his father and set out at their own expense. While in Mecca, he became correspondent Daily Pelita Andalas once worked at a printing company owned by Mr. Hamid, son of Majid Kurdish, which is the law of the Ahmad Al-Khatib Minangkabawi. In which he worked, he could read classic books, books, and newsletters Islam in Arabic, is the only foreign language mastered.
Nearing the last pilgrimage, Hamka with several other prospective pilgrims founded the East Indian Association, an organization that gives lessons to prospective rituals of Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia. After the pilgrimage, and for some time lived in the Holy Land, he met with Agus Salim and had expressed his desire to settle in Mecca, but Agus Salim instead advised him to go home. "A lot of work is much more important regarding the movement, study, and struggle that you can do. Therefore, it would be better to develop yourself in any of your own land", said Agus Salim. He soon returned to his homeland after seven months of living in Mecca. However, instead of going home to Padang Panjang, Hamka instead settled in field, the city where the ship berthing take it home.
While in Medan, he wrote many articles in various magazines and had become a religion teacher for several months in Cliff High. He sends his writings for the newspaper The Islamic Defenders in London and Sounds led Muhammadiyah Abdul Rozak Fachruddin in Yogyakarta. In addition, he also worked as a correspondent at the Daily Pelita Andalas and write trip reports, especially the journey to Mecca in 1927. In 1928, he wrote the 1st romannya in Minangkabau titled The Sabariyah. In the same year, he was appointed editor of the Times Magazine Progress is based on the results of the conference Muhammadiyah in Padang Panjang. The next year, he wrote several books, among others: Religion and Women, Islamic Defenders, Minangkabau, Islam, Interests Tabligh, and Mi'raj verses. However, some of the wealth was confiscated because it was considered dangerous to the colonial government in power when it.
When in the field, the people in the village have repeatedly asked him to send letters home, but was turned down by Hamka. Therefore, his father asked Sutan Mansur Ahmad Rashid to pick and persuade Hamka home. Persuasion that her brother finally makes Hamka melted, and then he returned to his hometown in Maninjau, while his father's house in Padang Panjang lantah yield due to 1926 earthquake. Arriving in his hometown, he received his father with great emotion to shed tear. Hamka was shocked to learn her father leaving for Hajj and go with their own costs. His father even said, "Why don't you let me know that so noble and sacred mean? Abuya when it is being difficult and impoverished. If that's the case, no wooden ladder dikeping, honed not gold nugget. "Got a welcome as warm as it was, he began to realize how much his father's love for him. Since then, the view Hamka against his father began to change. However, after about a year to settle in Sungai Batang, he again left his hometown.
Hamka moved to Medan in 1936. On the field, he worked as an editor and became editor in chief of a magazine which he founded with Islamic knowledge M. Yunan Nasution, the magazine Community Guidelines. Through Community Guidelines, he for the 1st time introduced the pen name "Hamka". While in Medan, he wrote Protection Under the Kaaba, which was inspired by his trip to Mecca in 1927. After Under Protection Kaaba published in 1938, he wrote Sinking Ship Van der Wijck, which was originally written as a serialized story in Community Guidelines. In addition, he also published several novels and other books such as: Going away to Deli, Divine Justice, The Director, New Forces' ', Driven, In The Valley of Life, father, Modern Mysticism, and Life philosophy. But in 1943, People Magazine that led Guidelines banned by Japanese, who was Indonesia's ruling.
During the Japanese occupation, Hamka was appointed adviser to the Japanese in terms of Islam. He is also a member of Sangi Kai Syu to the problem of government and Islamic in 1944. He accepted this position because he believes the Japanese promise to grant independence to Indonesia. But after occupying this position, he is regarded as an accomplice invaders by his friends. When Japan was defeated and surrendered to the Allies, Hamka was subjected to endless criticism. This is what causes Hamka out of the field back to the Minangkabau after the Revolutionary War broke out in 1945. Hamka were also fighting to repel the invaders. He had joined against the return of the Dutch to Indonesian guerillas in the jungle in Medan.
After his marriage to Sitti Raham, Hamka Muhammadiyah branch is active in the management of Minangkabau, whose origin stems from the association Joints bakalnya Safe founded by his father in 1925 in Batang River. In addition, he had become the head of Tablighi School, a religious school founded Muhammadiyah on January 1, 1930.
Since attending the congress of Muhammadiyah in Solo in 1928, Hamka never missed attending congresses next Muhammadiyah. Upon his return from Solo, he began to assume various positions, until finally he was appointed as Chairman of Muhammadiyah branch of Padang Panjang. After the 19th Muhammadiyah Congress in Bukittinggi in 1930, followed by the next congress in Yogyakarta, he meets an invitation to set up a branch of Muhammadiyah in Bengkalis. Subsequently in 1932, he was sent by Muhammadiyah to Makassar in order to prepare and move the spirit of the people to welcome the Muhammadiyah Congress to-21 in Makassar. While in Makassar, he had published Al-Mahdi, the Islamic science magazine, published once a month. In 1934, a year after attending a congress of Muhammadiyah in Semarang, he was made a permanent member of the Council of Muhammadiyah Council for the region Central Sumatra.
Muhammadiyah increasingly uphill career when he moved to Medan. In 1942, along with the fall of the Dutch East Indies to the Japanese colonial power, Hamka was elected as leader of East Sumatra Muhammadiyah to replace H. Mohammad Said. But in December 1945, he decided to return to the Minangkabau and the release position. The following year, he was elected Chairman of the Assembly of West Sumatra Muhammadiyah leaders replace SY Sutan Mangkuto. This position he embraces until 1949.
In 1953, he was elected as the leader of the center Muhammadyiah Muhammadiyah Congress to-32 at Purwokerto. Since then, he has always chosen the Muhammadiyah Congress further, until in 1971 he pleaded not elected because he was senile. However, he was still appointed as an adviser to the central leadership of Muhammadiyah until the end.
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