Teuku Muhammad Hasan
He decided to go to Netherlands when he was 25 years old, studying Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
During his time in Netherlands, he joined Indonesian student organization Perhimpunan Indonesia and became an independence activist with another Indonesian students like Mohammad Hatta and Sutan Sjahrir.
He graduated as Meester | in de Rechten in 1933. |
He was active in an Islamic organization Muhammadiyah and education. During this era, they made schools and the woman branch of the organization, Aisyiah.
His other education activity was establishing Perguruan Taman Siswa Aceh Chapter in Kutaraja, in 11 Juli 1937. Served as chairman, and with Teuku Nyak Arief as secretary.
He made a scholarship foundation Atjehsche Studiefonds for supporting prospective but poor students.
He also chaired 'Perkumpulan Usaha Sama Akan Kemajuan Anak with aim to build a school similar to Dutch's Holland Inlandsche School.
He was the member of the Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia in August 7, 1945, as the continuation from Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia. This body was chaired by Soekarno. Independence was declared on August 17, 1945, two days after Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces in the end of Pacific War.
He was appointed by the new created Republic of Indonesia Government as the 1st Governor of Sumatera in August 22, 1945.
In December 1948, the Dutch launched their 2nd "Police Action" and focused their attack on Yogyakarta. Sukarno and Hatta, instead of running away to fight guerilla warfare chose to remain in the city and were arrested.
Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan was appointed as Deputy Chairman of PDRI, Minister of Home Affairs, Education & Culture and Religious Affairs ad interim.
The leaders of the PDRI moved around West Sumatra in an effort to evade arrest by the Dutch who wanted to abolish the PDRI. In 1949 the PDRI government contacted the leaders of Indonesian forces in Java and the six Republic of Indonesia government ministers in Java who had escaped arrest.
Based on the Roem-Royen peace agreement, on July 13, 1949, Dutch troops were to be pulled out from Republic of Indonesia regions and the Republic of Indonesia leaders were to be freed. The PDRI would therefore no longer be required, and Mr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara disbanded the PDRI and returned the mandate to the President of RI.
In 1951, as the chairman of Trading and Industry Commission of DPRS, he recommended Oil Companies Nationalization in Indonesia and other mining companies. His motion was accepted in August 2, 1951. This motion resulted nationalization some Dutch Oil Companies into Permina (1957) and Pertamin (1961). Both companies were merged in 1968 as Pertamina.
Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan established Serambi Mekkah University in Banda Aceh, and writing books. One of his book is Sejarah Perminyakan di Indonesia.
Mr. Teuku Muhammad 1997 in Jakarta. | Hasan died in September 21, - |
In 1990, University of Doctor Honoris Causa. | North Sumatra honored him - |
A street in Banda Aceh is | named after his name. |
Related Sites for Teuku Muhammad Hasan
- Teuku Muhammad Hasan | Facebook read Teuku Muhammad Hasan
- Teuku Muhammad Hasan - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ⦠read Teuku Muhammad Hasan
- Teuku Hasan | Facebook read Teuku Muhammad Hasan
- Pahlawan Nasional: Teuku Muhammad Hasan read Teuku Muhammad Hasan