Surakarta Sunanate
Pakubuwono II faced numerous rebellions, among other from Raden Mas Said, and later from his own younger brother, Prince Mangkubumi that joined Mas Said's rebellion in 1746. Pakubuwono II died in illness in 1749, but before he died, he entrusted the royal affairs of Surakarta to his trusted protector, Baron von Hohendorff, a VOC officer. On behalf of Pakubuwono II successor, Pakubuwono III, VOC manage to brokered a peace negotiation with Prince Mangkubumi. The peace deal was reached with Mataram Sultanate was split in two based on the Treaty of Giyanti of February 13, 1755: Yogyakarta Sultanate under the rule of Prince Mangkubumi whom later stylized as Hamengkubuwono I and Surakarta Sunanane under Pakubuwono III.
The Giyanti Treaty mentioned Pangeran Mangkubumi as Sultan of Yogyakarta. During the era of Dutch rule, there were recognized two main principalities of Vorstenlanden Mataram, the Surakarta Sunanate and The Yogyakarta Sultanate. Then few years later Surakarta was divided further with the establishment of the Mangkunegaran Princedom after the Treaty of Salatiga. The Mangkunegaran Princedom was led by notorious rebel Raden Mas Said that stylized as Mangkunegara I. The territory of Surakarta Sunanate were reduced much further after the Java War (1825รข"1830) led by Prince Diponegoro. Susuhunan Pakubuwono VI were alleged to secretly supported Diponegoro's rebellion, and for the punishment after the Java War the Sunanate were obliged to surrender much of their lands to the Dutch.
Throughout the Dutch East Indies era, the Sunanate of Surakarta enjoyed autonomous status under the Vorstenlanden Mataram arrangements, together with Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Sunanate of Surakarta were considered as vassal states of Dutch Empire under royal patronage of Netherlands crown. The peak of Surakarta Sunanate prestige and power were during the reign of Pakubuwono X when the Sunan renovated and enlarged the Surakarta palace and construct many infrastructure projects and buildings in Surakarta city. The kingdom faced era of strife and uncertainty during World War II and Japanese occupation of Indonesia.
After the declaration of independence of Republic of Indonesian in 17 August 1945, followed by Indonesian National Revolution, Surakarta Sunanate with Mangkunegaran Princedom send the letter of confidence to Sukarno to demonstrate their support for Indonesian Republic. As the reward the Republic awarded the status of Daerah Istimewa within the Republic of Indonesia. However because the political agitation and opposition from Indonesian communists that led to anti-monarchy movement and rebellion in early 1946, later in 16 June 1946 Indonesian Republic aborted the special region status; both Surakarta's and Mangkunegara's status were reduced as merely a residence, later merged into Central Java province.
In contrast, the Yogyakarta Sultanate successfully maintained their special status up until today. Highly possible because of historical Yogyakarta's support and their political deal with founding fathers of Indonesian Republic during the war of independence and Indonesian national revolution. Today the Surakarta Sunanate holds no actual political power and authority on governing their realms. Its power were limited in royal prestiges and its special position as the patron, preserver and the protector of Javanese culture. Nevertheless the royal prestiges were still remains that led many regional leaders and political figures in Indonesia to sought affiliations with.
The principal residence of the sunan is the kraton, sometimes called the Surakarta Kraton or Kraton Solo but otherwise known in formal terms Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat. As is the case with a number of other kratons in various cities in Java, the Surakarta Kraton has become quite neglected over the years. Very little funding is available for maintenance and so many parts of the palace are in an advanced state of decay.
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