Tuesday 10 September 2013

Surabaya State University, Surabaya

Surabaya State University

Surabaya State University

The State University of Surabaya was formerly named IKIP Surabaya (English: Surabaya Institute of Teaching and Education Sciences) is one of the state universities that was specially designed for graduating teachers, qualified for preschool, elementary, junior high, and senior high. In 1999, IKIP Surabaya changed its name to State University of Surabaya and has two main goals: graduate education and non-education students. It has seven faculties, 45 undergraduate programs, 12 diploma programs, and 15 postgraduate and doctorate programs. It has approximately 24,986 students and 834 lecturers (244 undergraduates, 470 postgraduates, 76 doctoral, and 27 professors).
In 1950, UNESA was founded from B-I and B-II courses majoring in Chemical Sciences and Exact Sciences. It used classrooms and laboratories belonging to the Dutch Hogere burgerschool. That course was held to ensure the availability of junior and senior high school teachers. In 1957, B-I courses was grouped into two main groups: General B-I Courses and Special B-I Courses. The General B-I Courses included English and Germans language. The Special B-I Courses included Chemical Sciences, Exact Sciences, Economics, Technical, Sports, and Airplane Sciences; it course was held until 1960.
The B-I and B-II courses was integrated with Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in 1960 to graduating advanced school teachers. In 1961, it was integrated with FKIP Universitas Airlangga Cabang Malang and named FKIP Universitas Airlangga Cabang Surabaya. January 3, 1963, FKIP and Institute of Teacher Training (founded in 1962) was integrated into IKIP Malang Cabang Surabaya.
December 19, 1964, IKIP Surabaya was officially established and had five faculties: Education, Social Teaching, Language Art Teaching, Exact Science Teaching, and Engineering Sciences Teaching. In 1977, the Faculty of Sports Science Teaching becomes the sixth. That year, five of six faculties changed their named become the Faculty of Languages and Art, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Sport Sciences.
According to Presidential Order dated August 4, 1999, IKIP Surabaya changes its name become Universitas Negeri Surabaya. In 2006, UNESA opens a new Faculty of Economics divided from its parent's faculty, Faculty of Social Sciences. UNESA has two main campuses in Ketintang and Lidah Wetan.
UNESA has seven
programs ranging from
faculties offering 62 study
undergraduate level to doctorate.

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