Tuesday 10 September 2013

Duta Wacana Christian University is ...

Duta Wacana Christian University

Duta Wacana Christian University

According Webometrics World Universities' Ranking on the Web 2007, DWCU is ranked at 89th place among Southeast Asian universities. On July 2008, DWCU was listed as 22nd in Indonesia's University rankings.
DWCU is one of the 15 Indonesian universities in the SAP University Partnership Program.
Duta Wacana Christian UniversityA fusion of two theological academies â€" Jogjakarta Theological Academy, Yogyakarta and Balewijoto Theological School, Malang â€" on 31 October 1962, become the Duta Wacana Theological School. This school later became a university, with the name changed to the present Duta Wacana Christian University in 1985.
The Duta Wacana Christian University is established and run by the Foundation of Christian High Education of Duta Wacana.
Source: National Accreditation Board Of Higher Education - Directory of Study Program. Queried with keyword "Duta Wacana", polished and translated.
DWCU has four facultiesand 13 departments.
The Faculty of Theology educates its students to be able to comprehend theology contextually and become the independent and outstanding servants of God. To achieve this objective, in addition to lecturers and discussion in class, the students have to do real practice. Based on the result of the admission test, each accepted student has to follow remedial program for two semesters during which they have to stay in the dormitory.
The undergraduate program of Theology is led by Masters and Doctors from qualified theology institutions in Indonesia and abroad. Besides that, some expatriate lecturers actively teach courses in the undergraduate program of the Faculty of Theology.
A postgraduate of
theology was established in
M.Th. program, which was opened in 1991, has had more than 90 graduate by the end of 2004. This program is designed as an academic graduate program with the emphasis on developing students theological insights so that they can comprehend theology contextually and independently. The goal of the M.Th. program is to develop Indonesian Christian theology which is interdenominational, evangelical, contextual and rooted in the bible, open-minded toward dialog with the traditions of other religions, sensitive toward actual problems being faced by the churches and Indonesian society, and responsive toward the opportunities and challenges in the globalization phenomena in this 21st century.
This program can be completed in two or three years full-time. The M.Th. degree is given to the students who have completed 45 credits including nine credits for the thesis. The main theme of M.Th. program is "Theology in the Indonesian context" which is spelled out in a curriculum with five areas of concentrations: Biblical Theology, Social Theology, Practical Theology, Religious studies, and the History of Church.
Every year the M.Th. program chooses a student to do a three-month research in Amsterdam in the "Bridging Gap" program that is cooperative program with Free University. Besides that, there is an exchange lecturer program with the University of Nijmegen and Kampen Theological University. In the field of teaching and research, this M.Th. program cooperates with State Institute for Islamic Studies Sunan Kalijaga and Sanata Dharma University.
The dynamic and complex changes on our current society require the servants of God to continuously improve their professionalism. Magister of Ministry is a professional program that provides opportunities to priests, church activists, and other Christian institutions to deepen and refresh their services. They can join this program without having to leave their jobs for a long time. The specific characteristic of this program is its emphasis on, one side the theological reflection of their current services and on the other side, the practical explanation of the theological concepts being learned. Because of this emphasis, the field service done at their own workplaces is an important part of this program. This program is handled by permanent lecturers of Duta Wacana Christian University including doctors and visiting lecturers.
This program offers three areas of concentrations: Church and Religious Traditions, Practical Christian Ethics, Pastoral and Contemporary Service Management.
M.Div. program is designed for people who graduate from non-theology undergraduate program who want to study theology academically to get professional trainings as preparations to become a priest. Magister of Divinity degree is given to students who have completed 90 credits including six credits for thesis and six credits for internship. This program can be finished in 3 years full-time.
In the semester break, M.Div. students do the internship at the church chosen by the synod that sent them or by the Head of Theology Faculty. Internship is an integral part of the study program and students participation has a "learning by doing" characteristic. The students do the internship in two periods: the 1st is done between semester II and III with the focus on religious services and the trainings of church member; the secondis done between semester IV and V focuses on sermon, pastoral and church mission.
Management Department is established on 1985. The Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics of Duta Wacana Christian University educates the future bachelor of Economics to have entrepreneur spirit, to be able to comprehend and apply the information technology in the business world and to have good ethics.
Management Study Program offers some concentrations which the students can choose according to what they want and what their talents are. The concentrations are Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Operation Management and Financial Management.
Accounting Department was established in 2000. Concentrations include Audit, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and International Accounting as special competencies in addition to the competency of computer technology-based Accounting System.
Department was established in
Product Design isestablished on 2005.
The Informatics Department was established on 1986 and was meant to become the pioneer informatics department in Central of Java.
Information System isestablished on 2005.
Environmental Biology Department is established on 1987. The conventional approach based on morphological examination is no longer popular. Living phenomenon is examined through the surgery of the core of life to molecular phase. By employing that method, it can be proven that Biology science is always actual and relevant so that it is absolutely needed to overcome the development problems through biotechnology application that is respectful towards environment in industrial era.

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