Wednesday 18 September 2013



Sumedang's museum, Prabu Geusan Ulun, houses a collection of traditional Sundanese weaponry, as well as some crown jewels and other finery. It is located on Geusan Ulun Road.
The town is famous for tahu Bungkeng, a local variety of deep fried tofu which was 1st made by a Chinese immigrant, Ong Kino.
Within the district surrounding the town lies Cadas Pangeran, a section of the trans-Java postal road constructed on the order of French governor Willem Daendels during the 1st quarter of 19th century. The section is famous due to difficulty during the construction, which requires blasting of a mountainside. Hence "cadas" which means mountain rock in Sundanese. The section is finished due to cooperation between the governor, regent Kusumadinata known as "pangeran kornel", and the people of Sumedang, although with considerable ill-feeling on the part of the regent and the people due to forced labor practice. A statue commemorating this event is erected on the section.
The town also houses the exiled Indonesian national heroine Cut Nyak Dhien from Aceh during her old age, after she was captured during the Aceh War at the beginning of 20th century. Her tomb is located not far from the town.
Tahu Bunkeng" is located in Sumedang's city centre on "Jalan 11 April No. 53, Tegalkalong". There are also several branches in the city namely in "Jalan M. Abdurahman No. 50", "Jalan M. Abdurahnam No. 155" and "Jalan Prabu Gajah Agung".

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