Wednesday 11 September 2013

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesian public university located in Surabaya

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, abbreviated as ITS, is an Indonesian public university located in Surabaya, East Java, with strong emphasis on scientific, engineering, and technological education and research. ITS has five faculties containing 27 academic departments which occupy an area of 180 hectares.
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of TechnologyITS was founded at November 10, 1957, as its establishment charter was signed by Soekarno, then President of Republic of Indonesia. Initially, Sepuluh Nopember Technical College had only two departments, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. On his speech, President Soekarno himself gave the strong emphasis on the Spirit of Sepuluh Nopember, remembering the famous Battle of Surabaya which reached its heat on November 10, 1945 and annually being commemorated as Heroes Day in Indonesia.
In 2001, in response to the vision of Abdurrahman Wahid, then President of Republic of Indonesia, the Faculty of Information Technology was established, containing Department of Computer Engineering and Department of System of Information. Today, ITS's educational disciplines have expanded beyond sciences and engineering into fields such as arts and business management.
Currently, ITS has a wide range of degree and non-degree programs, which are managed under five faculties: Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Marine Technology and Faculty of Information Technology.
In addition, two polytechnics operate independently on the same area at ITS' main campus in Sukolilo, an area in the vicinity of East Surabaya.
ITS was founded by Angka Nitisastro, a medical doctor, and his friend Soedjasmono, an engineer. Once upon a time, the two visionaries had a conversation on the Kenjeran Beach, eastern Surabaya. "Look at that poor fishermen. We must do something to change the game, " said the doctor to his friend. Realizing the important role of science and technology to shape the future of people, the two visionaries shared their ideas with another several people in a group of Indonesian Engineers Association, to provide higher education in Surabaya that focused on science and technology. During the years of national revolution, they build a foundation to establish technical education in Surabaya.
President Soekarno, who himself was an engineer and born in Surabaya, once thought the idea was ridiculous. "How brave are you to have such an idea.." said Bung Karno laughing. But later, Perguruan Teknik 10 Nopember Surabaya' or "10 Nopember Technical College" was established in November 10, 1957. Its establishment charter was signed by the Indonesia's 1st president, Soekarno himself. On his speech, Soekarno emphasized that education isn't only about investment of skill, but also investment of mentality. Since the beginning, these two aspects of investments, skill and mentality, were embodied in the ITS character to educate the student to become the fittest leaders and pioneers of the fast-changing world.
In 1957, ITS only had two departments, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Three years later, ITS expanded with the opening of Electronic Engineering, Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering and Chemical Engineering departments. These departments then changed their status into faculties.
In 1965, ITS again opened two faculties, Architectural Engineering and Faculty of Natural Science. So, in 1965, ITS had seven faculties: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering, and Faculty of Natural Science.
In 1972, the campus of the Faculty of Civil Engineering was moved into Jl. Manyar 8 Surabaya; the ITS campuses was separated. In the late of 1975, the Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Faculty of Natural Science was moved into Jl. Cokroaminoto 12A, Surabaya.
Today, ITS has three campuses area: Cokroaminoto, Manyar, and Sukolilo. The Sukolilo campus is the biggest areas. The development of campus area geared up at 1977, two decades since the conversation between dr. Angka Nitisastro and Ir. Soedjasmono that defined the fighting spirit of ITS character to become Indonesia's best university.
In 1977, with financial aid from ADB, ITS started to build a campus complex in the Sukolilo district in eastern Surabaya. Since then, all departments and faculties have moved to the new campus.
In the early 1980s reorganization took place in ITS, the former faculties are down-graded into departments and merged into common discipline faculties. Hence the new ITS organization comprises 4 faculties, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, and the Faculty of Marine Technology.
In 1988, ITS opened its 1st polytechnic branch, Shipbuilding Polytechnic of Surabaya and followed by the second, Electronic Engineering Polytechnic of Surabaya.
In 2001, at the suggestion of the Indonesian 4th president, Abdurrahman Wahid, a Faculty of Information Technology was created. It consists of a department of Computer Science and a newly created department of Information System.
Recently in 2013, ITS has its 1st doctoral graduate on medical engineering, Ingrid Nurtanio, lecturer at University of Hassanuddin..
In 2012, Webrometrics announced that the ITS Library ranked on 19th position in the world among 1,200 repository, 2nd in Asia and number one in Indonesia.
ITS's Student Choir won Gold Prize in Busan Choral Festival and Competition 2010, South Korea, and 1st Prize with Gold Diploma in Rimini International Choral Competititon 2011, Italy, on D Class (Ethnic/Folksongs Choir)..Recently in 2013, ITS' Student Choir won 3rd prize on Institucio Pulg-Porret Competition Folk Music in Festival Internacional de Musica de Cantonigros, Spain.
In 2012, team of student
ABU Asia-Pacific Robot
was awarded Toyota Award at
Contest in Hong Kong.
There are five faculties and two autonomous polytechnics in ITS. These polytechnics offer diploma programmes.
ITS has three campuses in Surabaya. Its major campus is located at Sukolilo, where all undergraduate programs are located here along with the postgraduate buildings, administrative building, main library, faculties housing, student community center, football stadium, jogging track, and student dormitory that could accommodate 1200 freshmen.
Smaller campus is
providing Civil Engineering
located in Manyar district,
diploma course.
Third campus is located at Cokroaminoto Street, providing postgraduate Technology Management Magister course.
ITS has variety of student organizations involving in politic, religiosity, sports, arts, and other activities.

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