Thursday 19 September 2013

Madiun Regency

Madiun Regency

Madiun Regency
Madiun Regency
Madiun Regency is a Regency in East Java province, Indonesia. It is bordered by Bojonegoro Regency in the north, Nganjuk Regency in the east, Ponorogo Regency in the south, and Magetan Regency and Ngawi Regency in the west. Its capital is the District Mejayan in accordance with Government Regulation No.52, year 2010. Most government buildings are located in areas that are part of Caruban Mejayan District. Other buildings will be moved gradually from the City of Madiun and the move began in 2011. Madiun Regency consists of 15 districts, divided into 206 consists of 196 villages and 8 districts. In everyday conversation Madison county residents use the Javanese language with the dialect or dialects Mataraman Madiun who are more inclined to accent Surakarta/Solo.
Madiun is an area pioneered by Ki Panembahan Ronggo Jumeno or called Ki Ageng Ronggo. Madiun word origin of the word means medi and ayun-ayun (swing), the point is that when Ronggo Jumeno do "Tripe Madiun land" occurs many ghosts wandering around. A 2nd explanation for the name keris owned by Ronggo Jumeno named Kris Tundhung Medhiun. At 1st not named Madiun, but Wonoasri.
Since the beginning of Madiun is a territory under the control of the Sultanate of Mataram. In the course of the history of Mataram, Madiun is very strategically located in the region since the middle of the border with the kingdom of Kadiri. Therefore, during the reign of many rebels Mataram kingdom building a power base in Madiun. As the emergence of figures Retno Dumilah.
Some relics of the Duchy of Madiun one of which can be seen in the Village Kuncen, where there is the tomb of Ki Ageng Panembahan Ronggo Jumeno, Patih Wonosari except the graves of the Regent Madiun, Madiun's oldest mosque is Masjid Nur Hidayatullah, artifacts around the mosque, and spring sacred.
Since the time of the Dutch East Indies, Madiun is a gemeente self-governing because the Dutch community working in various industrial estates and don't want to be governed by the Regents (which is Javanese). As an autonomous city, Madiun was founded June 20, 1918, the 1st led by Madiun resident assistant. New since 1927 headed by a mayor.
The Madiun Affair was a communist uprising in 1948 during the Indonesian National Revolution in the town of Madiun. Leftist parties led an uprising against the leaders of the newly-declared Indonesian Republic, but it was quashed by Republican forces.
On 18 September 1948 an 'Indonesian Soviet Republic' was declared in Madiun, in the western part of East Java, by members of the Indonesian Communist Party and the Indonesian Socialist Party (PSI). Judging the time as right for a proletarian uprising, they intended it to be a rallying centre for revolt against "Sukarno-Hatta, the slaves of the Japanese and America". Madiun however was won back by Republican forces within a few weeks, and the insurgency leader, Musso, was killed. RM Suryo, the governor of East Java, as well as several police officers and religious leaders, were killed by the rebels.
The quashing of the rebellion ended a perilous distraction for the Revolution, and it turned vague American sympathies based on anti-colonial sentiments into diplomatic support. Internationally, the Republic was now seen as being staunchly anti-communist and a potential ally in the brewing global Cold War between the American-led 'free world' and the Soviet-led bloc.
Madiun is on the main
road to Yogyakarta and
The northern part of Madiun is a hilly region, which is part of the Kendeng Mountains. The middle part is a plateau and undulating, being the southeast part of the Mount Wilis - Mount Liman mountain range.
Durian and cocoa are cultivated in District Merchandise, and the District of Kare. There is a Coffee garden with large-scale cultivation in Kandangan, District Kare, which is of Dutch heritage.

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