Thursday 12 September 2013

Jayapura : provincial capital of Papua, Indonesia



Jayapura City is the provincial capital of Papua, Indonesia. It is situated on the island of New Guinea. It is situated on Yos Sudarso Bay (formerly known as Humboldt Bay). Its approximate population in 2002 was 200,000.
From 1910 to 1962, the city was known as Hollandia and was the capital of a district of the same name in the northeast of West New Guinea. It was briefly called Kota Baru and Sukarnapura before assuming its present name in 1968. The literal meaning of Jayapura, as of Jaipur in Rajasthan, India, is 'City of Victory', Sanskrit jaya: "victory"; pura: "city"). The reason for that name is that Suharto wanted to mention his victories while fighting Operation Trikora against the Netherlands. The last battle was fought in Jayapura during 14 August 1962 till 15 August 1962. Nowdays the Humbold bay native called the city as "Port Numbay".
JayapuraThe northern part of Dutch New Guinea was occupied by Japanese forces in 1942. Allied forces drove out the Japanese after amphibious landings near Hollandia, from 21 April 1944. The area served as General Douglas MacArthur's headquarters until the conquest of the Philippines in March 1945. Over twenty U.S. bases were established and half a million US personnel moved through the area.
In 1945, the Dutch made Hollandia the capital of Netherlands New Guinea. After the territory was handed over to the United Nations, on 1 October 1962, the city became known by the Indonesian name Kota Baru, and retained the name when Indonesia took control, on 1 May 1963. The city was briefly renamed Sukarnapura, after President Sukarno, until the end of 1968, when it acquired its present name.
Jayapura was struck by
the 1998 Papua New Guinea
the Aitape Tsunami after
On 12 May 1949, the Apostolic Prefecture of Hollandia was established in the city. In 1963, it was renamed as the Apostolic Vicariate of Kota Baru. In 1964, it was again renamed as the Apostolic Vicariate of Sukarnapura. It was promoted in 1966 as the Diocese of Sukarnapura, renamed in 1969 as the Diocese of Djajapura, and finally renamed in 1973 as the Diocese of Jayapura.
Jayapura is the home of the Persipura, a professional football club that has produced many famous Papuan-Indonesian footballers and have won the Indonesia Super League once in the 2008â€"09 season. Persipura plays its home matches in the Mandala Stadium.

Related Sites for Jayapura

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