Thursday 12 September 2013

INEFFEST 2013, Watch Movies in Upper Sea Komodo Island

Indonesia International Environmental Film Festival ( INEFFEST ) 2013 was held back for a second time . If 2011 and the film festival took place in Wakatobi, this year will be held in INEFFEST Komodo Island , East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT ) starting September 20 to 24 .
The festival is also inviting filmmakers like Olivia Zalianty movie, Ari Sihasale, Nia Zulkarnaen, Maung Myint Aung and others. By Kamila Andini as one of the organizers, this year INEFFEST choose Komodo Island because the island Indonesia in the spotlight as the new tourist spot .
" This year is still talking about the islands finally decided Labuan Bajo , Komodo Island in addition to the more exposed these days . However , many environmental problems in Komodo as clean water crisis , how to manage tourism properly . We also see this festival should be developed , " he said during a press conference at the SAE Institute Senayan , Jakarta , Thursday ( 5/9 ) .
INEFFEST itself aims to promote and explore environmental issues through films and workshops and discussions . This festival is one of the ideal container for filmmakers show their work and share their experiences about the film and the environment . This year , the film workshop called " New Leaf Summer Camp " held on 18 to 24 September 2013 in the Komodo Islands .
" For summer camp , there are 10 film maker from the beginner big cities who will follow the workshop and work with 10 high school students Labuan Bajo . Mission to introduce the film to all people and affirms that it is easy to make a movie and could be for anyone . Contents, one half-day theory , there are exercise stock last shoot editing , they are then given the opportunity to provide ideas for filming and editing , "said Amelia of in Docs .
Results films workshop participants will also be screened in the festival . INEFFEST will broadcast some films about the environment in Indonesia and foreign countries such as the soldier beetle , Epic Java , Future Land Citaku tall , Nargis ( Germany , Myanmar ) , Born Free ( India ) and others . Interestingly , viewers will watch these films on the water or floating cinema.
