Friday 20 September 2013



Gorontalo Province is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the north of the island of Sulawesi. The province's popualation is 1,038,590 (2010 census) and the capital is the city of Gorontalo.
The province was established in December 2000 being split from the province of North Sulawesi.
Its population has grown from 840,000 in the 2000 census to 1,038,590 for the 2010 census, with nearly half the population residing in Gorontalo Regency or City.
In 1525, with Portuguese assistance, three small rock forts were built overlooking the waters of Lake Limboto. Still in place today, the Fort Otonaha complex has commanding views. The Spanish also entered the area in limited numbers via the Philippines during the mid-16th century. They introduced corn, tomatoes, chili peppers, horses, and the afternoon siesta to Gorontalo, all of which are an integral part of life there today. The Dutch under the aegis of the Dutch East India Company worked to wrest control of the lucrative spice trade away from the Sultanate of Ternate and push out all other European competitors. Gradually, the Dutch gained political control and ended the power of the local kings.
The people of Gorontalo achieved independence from Dutch rule in 1942. This was partly through the efforts of the guerrilla/freedom fighter and local hero Nani Wartabone, who forced out the occupying Japanese during World War II. Since the city escaped Allied bombing during the war, a number of Dutch-era buildings are still standing. Although many are in poor condition, Gorontalo City has a distinctive colonial appearance.
After Indonesia proclaimed its independence, Gorontalo became part of North Sulawesi province, and was seceded from North Sulawesi in 2000.
The governor and vice-governor, who are elected directly by the people, head the provincial administration. The province is divided into five regencies and only one city (Indonesian: kota). When the province was established in 2000, there were only two regencies and the city in the province. Splitting of regencies occurred in 2003 (when Pohuwato Regency was created from the western part of Boalemo Regency, and Bone Bolango Regency was created from the eastern part of Gorontalo Regency) and 2007 (when North Gorontalo Regency was created from the northern part of Gorontalo Regency).As of 2010, the list of regencies and cities in Gorontalo province is given in the table below.
Note: * A city and alsothe provincial capital.
The islands of Pepaya, Mas and Raja islands are located in the Sumalata Waters in North Gorontalo have been named a nature reserve since the Dutch colonial time in 1936. There are only 7 turtles species in the wold and 4 of them are found in the islands as the world's best turtle habitat, they are Penyu Hijau, Penyu Sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata), Penyu Tempayan (Caretta caretta) and Penyu Belimbing (Dermochelys coriacea). In 2011, the habitat threatened by human activities such as illegal poaching except fish bombing activities, furthermore a lot of coral reefs where the food for the turtles come from have been damaged.

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