Culture of Indonesia

Examples of cultural fusion include the fusion of Islam with Hindu in Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan; others could be cited.
Balinese dances have and Hindu kingdoms, while architecture are present in Sumatra, Aceh regions. Traditional combined in a martial art form | stories about ancient Buddhist Islamic art forms and especially in the Minangkabau and art, music and sport are called Pencak Silat. |
Despite the influences remote Indonesian regions indigenous culture. Indigenous Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja and practicing their ethnic rituals, traditional clothes. | of foreign culture, some still preserve uniquely ethnic groups Mentawai, many others are still customs and wearing - |
Indonesia is home to those from the islands of frequently recorded. The East Java and Bali is the | various styles of music, with Java, Sumatra and Bali being traditional music of central and gamelan. |
On June 29, 1965, Koes pop group in the 1960s, imprisoned in Glodok, West Western-style music. After the the law was rescinded, and prison was dismantled and mall. | Plus, a leading Indonesian 1970s and 1980s, was Jakarta, for playing resignation of President Sukarno, in the 1970s the Glodok replaced with a large shopping - |
The soft Sasando music Nusa Tenggara in West Timor Sasando uses an instrument made Lontar palm , which bears some | from the province of East is completely different. from a split leaf of the resemblance to a harp. |
Indonesian dance culture from ethnic groups that Indonesia. Austronesian roots and visible, and influences ranging countries; such as India, China, western styles through their own distinct dances; Indonesia are more than 3000 However, the dances of Indonesia eras; the Prehistoric Era, the Era of Islam, and into folk dance. | reflects the diversity of composed the nation of Melanesian tribal dance forms are from neighboring Asian and Middle East to European colonization. Each ethnic group has makes total dances in Indonesian original dances. can be divided into three the Hindu/Buddhist Era and two genres; court dance and - |
There is a continuum in depicting episodes from the India, ranging through There is a marked difference, stylized dances of the courts of popular variations. While the even performed dance art and drama must | the traditional dances Ramayana and Mahabharata from Thailand, all the way to Bali. though, between the highly Yogyakarta and Surakarta and their court dances are promoted and internationally, the popular forms of largely be discovered locally. |
During the last few Aceh Darussalam has become portrayed on TV. Reog Ponorogo is from the district Ponorogo, visualization of the legendary story of Kediri. | years, Saman from Nanggroe rather popular and is often also a dance that originated East Java, which is a Wengker kingdom and the kingdom - |
A popular line dance originated in Indonesia and also early April 2011 Malaysian dance for Muslims due to they Christian dance and that its steps | called Poco-poco was popular in Malaysia, but at Islamic clerics ban poco-poco believe it is traditionally a make the sign of the cross. |
Modern performing art with their distinct style of dance, and drama troupe such as popularity in Indonesia as their and political satire of | also developed in Indonesia drama. Notable theatre, Teater Koma are gain drama often portray social Indonesian society. |
The art of silat was in the islands of Java and and practiced throughout Centuries of tribal wars in silat as it was used by the Silat was used to determine Indonesian kingdoms. | created and firstly developed Sumatra. It is an art for survival Indonesian archipelago. Indonesian history had shaped ancient warriors of Indonesia. the rank and position in old - |
Contacts with Indians enriched silat. Silat reached mainly through diaspora of various regions like Aceh, Java, Banjar, etc. moved into Peninsula and other islands. They to their descendants. The are also credited as the 1st Europe. | and Chinese was further areas beyond Indonesia Indonesian people. People from Minangkabau, Riau, Bugis, Makassar, and settled in Malay brought silat and passed it down Indonesian of half-Dutch descent to brought the art into - |
Silat was used by during their struggle against Unfortunately after Indonesia silat became less popular compare to foreign martial arts This probably because silat passed down among blood lack of media portrayal of | Indonesian freedom fighters the Dutch colonists. achieving their independence, among Indonesian youth like Karate and Taekwondo. wasn't taught openly and only relatives, the other reason is the the art. |
Efforts have been made introduce and reintroduce the youth and the world. individuals as well as growing of silat's popularity, States. Indonesian 2009 Silat Indonesian efforts to introduce scene. | in recent years to beauty of silat to Indonesian Exhibitions and promotions by state-sponsored groups helped the particularly in Europe and United movie Merantau is one of silat to international - |
Another martial art Derajat. It is a modern combat Drajat based on his experience Tarung Drajat has been KONI in 1998 and is now used by basic training. | from Indonesia is Tarung system created by Haji Ahmad as a street fighter. acknowledge as a national sport by Indonesian Army as part of their - |
Under the influence of the Dutch colonial power, a trend toward Western-style painting emerged in the 19th century. In the Netherlands, the term "Indonesian Painting" is applied to the paintings produced by Dutch or other foreign artists who lived and worked in the former Netherlands-Indies. The most famous indigenous 19th century Indonesian painter is Raden Saleh , the 1st indigenous artist to study in Europe. His art is heavily influenced by Romanticism. In 1920's Walter Spies began to settled in Bali, he is often credited with attracting the attention of Western cultural figures to Balinese culture and art. His works has somehow influenced Balinese artists and painters. Today Bali has one of the most vivid and richest painting tradition in Indonesia.
The 1920s to 1940s were a in Indonesia. The movement wasn't seen as a purely developed. Painters began to see inspiration. Some examples of period are the Balinese Ida Basuki Abdullah. The was formed during this contemporary art philosophy that saw the artist’s individual or expression of national cultural | time of growing nationalism previous period of romanticism Indonesian movement and didn't the natural world for Indonesian painter during this Bagus Made and the realist Indonesian Painters Association period. PERSAGI established a art works as reflections of personal view as well as an thoughts. |
From the 1940s on, techniques with Southeast Asian that rooted in the War and the post-World War during this period, such as | artists started to mix Western imagery and content. Painters revolutionary movement of the World period started to appear Sudjojono, Affandi, and Hendra. |
During the 1960s, new abstract expressionism and by the art community. Also painters that are more concerned Indonesian society began to from the social problem such rich and the poor, national identity of Indonesia painters through the use of a During the Sukarno period this promoted, but after 1965 it lost communist tendencies. | elements were added when Islamic art began to be absorbed during this period, group of about the reality of appear, taking inspiration as division between the pollution, and deforestation. The was stressed by these realistic, documentary style. socially-engaged art was officially popularity due to its presumed - |
Three art academies training in visual art: Bandung in 1947; the Akademi Seni known as ISI, in Yogyakarta and the Institut Kesenian Institute) or IKJ, was opened in | offer extensive formal Institute of Technology founded Rupa Indonesia or ASRI, now was inaugurated in 1950; Jakarta (Jakarta Arts 1970. |
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