South Tapanuli Regency
The village of Batu Gana in Padangbolak Julu district is the location of a burial site consisting of a megalithic structure.
In the village of Padang Bujur in the same district, one can also find megalithic remains and what seems to be the base for a padmasana.
Other megalithic remains are found at Aek Korsik and Aek Tolong Huta, also in the Padangbolak district.
Related Sites for South Tapanuli Regency
- Cakratraveltourguide's Weblog - SOUTH TAPANULI REGENCY ... read South Tapanuli Regency
- South Tapanuli Regency | Facebook read South Tapanuli Regency
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- ::: SUMATRA COMMERCIAL INFORMATION CENTER ::: read South Tapanuli Regency