Friday 13 September 2013

Kutai National Park

Kutai National Park

Kutai National Park
Kutai National Park
Kutai National Park
Kutai National Park is a lowland national park located on the east coast of Borneo Island, in the East Kalimantan province of Indonesia, ranging approximately 10 to 50km north of the equator.
There are two main point for tourist access to the Park. Sangkima is on the road between Sangatta and Bontang and thus is accessible by car or bus. The area has a number of old formal national park buildings. There is a large loop walking track, with sections of elevated boardwalk to what was one of the largest trees known in the park. Given the ease of accessibility and being adjacent to the road, this area of park is continually under pressure from the encroachment of people.
Prevab is the 2nd tourist area, approximately 25 minutes boat ride up the Sangatta River from Kabo Pier. Access to the park is gained by road travel to Kabo Pier and the short river trip in a ketinting (a traditional small boat for navigating rivers). The more remote nature of this section sees the jungle in fairly good condition with little disturbance of the area.
Kutai National Park is dominated by a Dipterocarpaceae lowland tropical rainforest and has 958 species of flora, including 8 of the world's 9 genus of Dipterocarpaceae family, 41 species of orchids and 220 species of medical plants. The other vegetation types include coastal mangrove forest, freshwater swamp forest and kerangas forest.
The park provides habitat to 10 species of primates, 90 species of mammals and 300 species of birds. Some of them are Orangutan, Malayan Sun Bear, Sambar deer, Banteng, Maroon Leaf Monkey, White-fronted Leaf Monkey, Hose's Leaf Monkey, Proboscis Monkey, Bornean Gibbon, Clouded Leopard, Black Flying Squirrel, Marbled Cat, Flat-headed Cat, Yellow-throated Marten, Otter Civet, and Smooth-coated Otter.
The number of orangutans was found to have decreased dramatically, from 600 recorded in 2004 to about 60 in 2009. However a survey conducted in 2010 identified over 2,000 orangutans to be inhabiting the park.

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