Wednesday 11 September 2013

Ki Hajar Dewantara, His birth date is now celebrated in Indonesia as National Education Day

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara
His birth date is now celebrated in Indonesia as National Education Day. Part of the motto creation, tut wuri handayani, a slogan for the ministry of education. A navy training ship bears his name, KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara. His portrait immortalizes him in the paper money 20,000 rupiah denomination in 1998.
Ki Hajar DewantaraHe was confirmed as a national hero of Indonesia by the 2nd President, Sukarno, on 28 November 1959.
Soewardi comes from a family environment Yogyakarta Palace. He graduated from basic education in ELS. Could then continue to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it wasn't until the end because of illness. Later he worked as a writer and journalist in a newspaper, among others, Sediotomo, Midden Java, De Expres, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, he was considered a reliable writer. His writings communicative and sharp with anti-colonial spirit.
Besides tenacious as a young reporter, he was also active in social and political organization. Since the establishment of Sampoerna Oetomo in 1908, he was active in the propaganda section to socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia (especially Java) at the time about the importance of unity in the nation. BO 1st congress in Yogyakarta are also organized by him.
Young Soewardi also a member of the organization Insulinde, a multi-ethnic organization that dominated Indo are fighting for self-rule in the Dutch East Indies, the influence of Ernest Douwes Dekker. When then DD establish Indische Partij, Soewardi invited anyway.
During the Dutch East Indies government sought to solicit donations from citizens, including indigenous people, for Dutch independence celebrations from France in 1913. There was critical reaction from nationalists, including Soewardi. It was written "Een maar ook voor Allen Allen voor Een" or "One for All, All for One, but also". But the most famous KHD column is "If I'm A Dutch", be in newspaper De Expres leadership DD, 13 July 1913. Contents of this article feels spicy once among the office of the Netherlands Indies. Collection of writings, among others, as follows.
If I'm a Netherlands, I will not maintain independence parties in the state that we took self-independence. Consistent with the way the mind wasn't only unfair, but also inappropriate to ask the Inlander provide funds for the festival. idea for the festival for maintenance alone is insulting them, and now we also scour pockets. Ayo keep only the physical and spiritual humiliation! Had I a Dutchman, a particular case feelings offend friends and countrymen, is the fact that the required Inlander follow bankrolled an activity that does not have the slightest importance for him.
Some Dutch office impeach this piece made by Soewardi own original style because different language from earlier writings. Even if it's true that writing, they assume a role in heat-DD manasi Soewardi to write with such style.
In exile in the Netherlands, is active in the organization Soewardi students from Indonesia, Indische Vereeniging.
This is where he later pioneered the ideals of the natives advancing science education by learning to obtain the certificate Europeesche, a prestigious education diploma which later became the foundation in establishing educational institutions he founded. In this study Soewardi fascinated by the ideas of Western education figures, such as Froebel and Montessori, as well as movement education India, Santiniketan, family Tagore. Influences underlying these in developing their own educational system.
Signaling that he wore in the education system is now very well known among Indonesian education. On the whole, the watchword of the Java language reads sung tulodo ngarso ing, ing madyo Karso Mangun, tut wuri handayani.. This slogan is still used in the education of the people of Indonesia, 1st in schools Teaching Tamansiswa.
In the 1st cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia, KHD was appointed Indonesian Minister of Teaching first. In 1957 he received an honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa, Dr. hc) from Indonesia's oldest university, Gadjah Mada University. For his accomplishments in pioneering public education, he declared the Father of National Education of Indonesia and made his day National Education Day (Presidential Decree no. 305 of 1959, dated 28 November 1959).
He died in Yogyakarta on
buried in Yosemite Wijaya
26 April 1959 and was
Then, after the rejection of registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he helped shape Bumipoetra Committee in November 1913. Committee's Committees as well as a rival of the Committee of One Hundred Years of Independence Celebration Nation Netherlands. The Boemipoetra Committee criticized Dutch government intends to celebrate one hundred years of the independent country of the Netherlands to withdraw French colonization of the colonial peoples money to finance the festivities.
As a result of the essay, the Dutch colonial government through the Governor General Idenburg sentenced without trial, be sentenced internering is a sentence by pointing to a dwelling may be for someone to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on Bangka Island.
Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also published the defending Soewardi pitched. But the Dutch believed that writing and inciting the people to revolt against the colonial GOI. As a result they are also exposed to penalties internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.
But they wanted banished to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do many things from the remote areas. Eventually they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the execution of the sentence.
The university strongly emphasizes the sense of national education to students so that they love the nation and homeland and fight for independence.
Not a few hurdles faced in fostering Student Park. Dutch colonial government issued Ordinance seeks his way with Wild School on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their rights, so the ordinance was later revoked.
In the midst of seriousness devote attention in education in Tamansiswa, he also remained diligent in writing. But his theme switching of political nuances and cultural education to national paradigm. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully laid the foundations of national education for Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in the days of Japanese occupation, the activities in the field of politics and education continues. Time the Japanese government established the People Power Center in 1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Muhammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur.
Then by the successor universities Student Park, established Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum in Yogyakarta, to preserve the values â€&lsqauo;â€&lsqauo;of Ki Hajar Dewantara fighting spirit. In this museum there are objects or works of the founder of Ki Hajar Tamansiswa and their work in national life. Museum collections in the form of papers or concepts and important treatises and correspondence of data lifetime Ki Hajar as a journalist, educator, humanist, and as an artist has been recorded on microfilm and laminated for the help the National Archives.
This nation needs to inherit the fruit of his thinking about the purpose of education is to promote the nation as a whole without distinction of religion, ethnicity, tribe, culture, customs, habits, economic status, social status, and so on, and should be based on the values â€&lsqauo;â€&lsqauo;of human freedom.

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