Saturday, 7 September 2013
Dart Overview : Indonesia's gas market overview
Dart Energy Limited
Singapore (Head Office)
152 Beach Road, #19-01/04 The Gateway East
Singapore 189721
Indonesia has Asia's third largest population with domestic oil and gas demand growing strongly but declining production. In areas of high population density, especially the island of Java, there is a growing energy supply-demand imbalance . In other areas, significant gas intensive industries exist, such as the Bontang LNG plant in Kalimantan, which is amongst the world's largest LNG production facilities.
The Bontang LNG plant is currently operating significantly below capacity due to shortfalls of gas feedstock. The estimated gas shortfall in Indonesia is c.900 mmscf/day. Accordingly, Dart believes that Indonesia has a significant and growing market for natural gas, including CBM. A specific plan needs to be developed for each Indonesian "sub-market", given that Indonesia is geographically comprised of many islands, and each has unique gas demand, supply and infrastructure considerations.
Indonesia has vast coal deposits and there are many areas with potentially large gas and CBM reserves, scattered across the entire Indonesian archipelago. Gas supply prices in Indonesia have increased sharply over the last few years but still remain at levels about one third that of oil-price equivalent.